

Making the web more human

Our mission is to create web applications that everyone can participate in building, from developer to designer to client to user.

Redwerks is a web design and web software development company. We specialize in User Interface design (Including Google Material Design). We create web projects that focus on the human user. We start with your business needs and your customers' way of thinking, and ensure your message is clearly formed and properly received. Through our client work, we've created tools that help other companies design and develop websites, and manage their projects.

Google Home AI

Artificial Intelligence Design for Google Home (Virtual Assistant) and Amazon Alexa

As Artificial Intelligence grows in complexity it's practical applications continue to emerge. Not too long ago mobile apps were considered a novelty and now they exist in the center of work and personal life for many people. The same is now happening for AI applications on phones and dedicated home devices.

It's estimated that at least 200 million devices will have access to voice assistance and Amazon will sell 60 million Echo devices by 2020. It's already much easier to say "Hey Google, add a meeting to my calendar for this Friday at 10 am", then to pull up a calendar application to schedule. As natural language processing progresses it will be the natural choice for many.

We want to work with you to get your content into offices and homes across the world. We currently offer development for Alexa (Amazon Echo, Dot and Tap) and Google AI.

User Interface design

At Redwerks we specialize in User Interface Design. This includes conceptual design for your new web software or mobile app device, functional front-end components and full software integration. We can fit into any role that best suites your needs.

We are well versed in Google Material Design language and highly recommend it for User Interfaces for both web and mobile. We also build front-end library material components to meet any custom need.

Application development for iOS and Android

Mobile applications, in most cases, are no longer considered an extra. They are expected as part of a modern service offering. As more and more people rely on using services away from the home and office, traditional offerings are no longer tolerated as the only option.

With the rise of Android it's no longer acceptable to create apps that only work with Apple devices. This normally requires doubling the work to develop for both major platforms. At Redwerks we make this easier and more efficient by using technology that allows a single development for both platforms. This of course also makes updates much easer in the life-cycle of your app.


Mock-ups for new web and mobile interfaces are a great place to start, however, with a static view your experience is limited. The only way to really experience a new UI is to see it in action. This doesn't mean you need to build your app before you test it. There is a middle way.

With UI prototyping we can create an authentic user experience where you can virtually use your app before development even begins. With our approach you are not limited to linked static images to simulate usage. Using sophistic software we generate a dynamically rich UI with multiple controls within a single screen including fully functioning buttons, toggles, and other components with full states, progress, and feedback. In short, the experience can be so close to the finished product that a test user may not know the difference.

This of course can be completed in a fraction of the time of regular app development and in the early stages where major UI changes can often be delivered  the following day. That provides an excellent user testing loop to get the best model possible before you start building.

Google Material Design Library Development

As we continue to work on projects using Google Material Design we find it best to work with existing library components and help refine and create new components to meet the specific needs of each UI challenge we face. To this end we have taken on a Material Native project that allows us to benefit from many hours of collaborative work and still shape new components in a way that best meets the need of our clients.

In other words, we don't need to re-invent the wheel, however, we also know that one wheel does not fit every case.

Our approach will help you save time and money as you build out your Material Design UI while still ensuring you get everything you need to bring your unique project to life.

Google Material Design


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9:00 - 17:00 PST. Expect emails and after-hours calls returned within one business day

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Gregory Thomas

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Daniel Friesen